Chirnsyde Primary School

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Parent Council - Archive


The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 has changed the arrangements for parental representation in all schools. Since August 2007, all parents/carers are automatically members of the Parent Forum for their school and they have the right to establish a Parent Council to represent them.

Parent Councils are recognised by law from August 2007. As a statutory body, the Parent Council has the right to information and advice on matters which affect the children and young people's education. So, the school and the local authority must listen to what the Parent Council says and give it a proper response. Every school' s Parent Council will be different because it will be the parents/carers in each school who make the key decisions. The Parent Council is also entitled to support from the education authority in fulfilling its role.


If you are interested in joining the Chirnsyde Parent Council then please leave your
details with the school office.