The technologies provide frequent opportunities for active learning in creative contexts with a skills based approach to learning. Children develop an understanding of technologies and their impact on society. They also develop confidence and skill in the use of these technologies to create, present and record their own ideas and materials.
Pupils’ learning is structured around 6 aspects:
As part of Glasgow’s Connected Learning Programme, our pupils have access to iPads to support the development of their digital skills and to enhance their learning across the wider curriculum.
In Primary 7, each pupil has access to their own device which is used in school and at home. In all other year groups, devices are shared within the class at a ratio of 1:7. Each classroom has access to Apple TV and a whiteboard so that learning can be shared in a larger scale, with children having the ability to ‘mirror’ their work for the whole class. Children follow the Digital Literacy and Computing Framework which presents a range of progressive experiences for children that will prepare them for the demands of a digital world.
At Chirnsyde Primary we use Seesaw as an online learning platform to showcase work, connect with families at home and as a way of personalising the learning experience. Each pupil in the school has access to their own dedicated space on this platform and families are encouraged to connect with this profile to gain an insight into the learning at school and to strengthen home/school links.
More information on Glasgow’s Connected Learning Programme can be found here:
Interdisciplinary Learning
At Chirnsyde Primary we have refined our curriculum carefully to make it relevant to our learners. Experiences are planned with the four capacities of ‘Responsible Citizen’, ‘Successful Learner’, ‘Confident Individual’ and ‘Effective Contributor’ firmly in mind, whilst enhancing the Meta-skills of ‘Self-Management’, ‘Social Intelligence’ and ‘Innovation’. This skills based approach to learning provides the children with timeless, higher order skills that promote success in whatever context the future brings.
Wider curricular areas such as social studies or science are woven into progressive, thematic plans. From the beginning, the children are consulted on what they would like to learn about. There are several entitlements that are contained within these planned experiences, including outdoor learning opportunities, Developing the Young Workforce experiences, Sustainability activities, learning about Children’s Rights and interdisciplinary learning tasks. Children showcase their learning in active and engaging ways which suit their own individual learning styles.
Pupil Voice
We value pupil voice at Chirnsyde Primary School by actively seeking opportunities to consult with the children on issues that affect them.
Our pupils learn valuable leadership skills across the curriculum, with focussed lessons from The Leader in Me programme. In addition to this, our pupils participate in regular ‘Choices and Voices’ sessions in order to affect change within the school and the local community. Underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, pupils investigate and explore ways to affect positive change on a topic or issue that interests them as a class.
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Chirnsyde Primary School288 Ashgill RoadGlasgowG22 7SBPhone: 0141 336 8672E-mail: